Publications IUGS Manual of Methods for Establishing the Global Geochemical Reference Network Chapter 2 Supplementary material

Chapter 2 Supplementary material

Chapter 2 - Supplementary material


1. Details about the following files can be found at the ‘Sampling/GTN 160x160 km’ web page of the IUGS Commission on Global Geochemical Baselines.


(a) Global Reference Network grid cells of 160x160 km files:  

IUGS-CGGB_19833_GRN_160x160km_grid_cells.xlsx (Microsoft™ Excel workbook file containing the 19,833 grid cells that cover the whole globe). (same as above but in a Google Earth kml file format). When unzipped the file name is:


(b) Global Terrestrial Network grid cells of 160x160 km files:


2. Details about the following six files can be found at the ‘Sampling/Sampling Design’ web page of the IUGS Commission on Global Geochemical Baselines.

(c) Randomly selected points in each Global Terrestrial Network grid cell:

  • IUGS-CGGB_16-random-points_per_GTN_160x160km-grid-cell.xlsx (Microsoft™ Excel workbook file with 16 random points in each of the 7356 grid cells of 160x160 km totalling 117,696 random sampling points). It is noted that this sampling density is not recommended for the Global Geochemical Reference Network. 



In a few of the above Microsoft™ Excel files the following two references are given for citation when used.  The He and Geng (2022) eBook was not finalised when they were uploaded to the website, and the total number of pages given was 20, instead of the correct number which is 14 as shown below.  So, please correct this mistake when citing the He and Geng (2022) eBook.


He, J. & Geng, X., 2022. R-scripts for Generation of 5, 8 and 16 Random Sampling Points Within Predefined Rectangles. IUGS Commission on Global Geochemical Baselines, Athens, Hellenic Republic, Special Publication, 3, 14 pp., 5 Figures, 3 Appendices, Supplementary material, ISBN: 978-618-85049-2-9.


Demetriades, A., Johnson, C.C., Smith, D.B. & Batista, M.J., 2022. Global Terrestrial Network Grid Cells, Selection of Sample Sites and Sample Types to be Collected. Chapter 2 In: Demetriades, A., Johnson, C.C., Smith, D.B., Ladenberger, A., Adánez Sanjuan, P., Argyraki, A., Stouraiti, C., Caritat, P. de, Knights, K.V., Prieto Rincón, G. & Simubali, G.N. (Editors), International Union of Geological Sciences Manual of Standard Methods for Establishing the Global Geochemical Reference Network. IUGS Commission on Global Geochemical Baselines, Athens, Hellenic Republic, Special Publication, 2, 11−26.


For more information consult the "International Union of Geological Sciences Manual of Standard Methods for Establishing the Global Geochemical Reference Network".