

IUGS-CGGB 2021 Workshop on:  Extracting, visualising and interpreting structure in geochemical data through compositional data analysis (CoDA)

The workshop material will be found in the Workshop web page




2024:  XI Congreso Geológico de España

On the occasion of the Spanish Geological Congress (CGE24), we invite you to attend the short workshop: Fases y protocolos a seguir para una red de referencia geoquímica global” where the IUGS Manual of Standard Methods for Establishing the Global Geochemical Reference Network will be presented. The course aims to give the audience an overview of the geochemical methods and procedures to be used over the entire land surface of the Earth to map the distribution of chemical elements in various types of samples.


When: 1st July 2024 (16:00)

Where: In person, Centro de Exposiciones y Congresos Lienzo Norte (Avila, Spain)

Language: Spanish

Tutors:  Paula Adánez Sanjuán, Iván Martín Méndez and María João Batista


For additional information go to the Congress's website at, then Programa - Cursors and FASES Y PROTOCOLOS A SEGUIR PARA UNA RED DE REFERENCIA GEOQUIMICA GLOBAL


Registration at: Note that to register for the workshop it is required to be already registered for the conference.


2024:  4th Arthur Darnley Symposium & Workshop on the occasion of IGC 37 in Busan (Korea)

The IUGS Commission on ‘Global Geochemical Baselines’ is organising the 4th Arthur Darnley Symposium with the title ‘Challenges and Opportunities of Global-Scale Geochemical Mapping’ at the 37th International Geological Congress, which will be held in Busan (Korea) between the 25th and 31st of August 2024 [].  Further, a free three-day workshop is planned, which is fully sponsored by IUGS.  More details are given below.



You will have to open an account at in order to submit your abstract.



TOPIC 14:  Low Temperature Geochemistry


Session 1 - Challenges and Opportunities of Global-Scale Geochemical Mapping (4th Arthur Darnley Symposium)


IGC web page:


Conveners:  Anna Ladenberger, Maria João Batista, Alecos Demetriades, Xueqiu Wang, Philippe Négrel


Global-scale, or continental-scale, geochemical surveys cover millions of square kilometres of the Earth’s surface generally at a very low sample density (1 site per 1,000 to 10,000 km2). Geochemical patterns produced from these low-density surveys are connected to processes related to many factors including tectonics and climate and in turn to weathering, geochemical and mineralogical composition of the original soil parent material, continental-scale glaciation, topography, regional-scale alteration and mineralisation, and in some cases, human activity. Over the past 20 years, several global-scale geochemical surveys have been conducted (Australia, China, Europe, India, Mexico, United States) and the data and maps are being used as a tool to aid in environmental and resource management. This symposium aims to focus on case histories from global-scale geochemical mapping programmes, the lessons learned from the surveys, and the opportunities for utilising the data for the benefit of humankind. In addition, results from higher-density geochemical surveys conducted at national to local scales can be presented.


The presenters will be asked to submit their papers for publication in a Thematic Issue of the journal "Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis" of the Association of Applied Geochemists.  We urge you to start writing your paper as this will hasten the publication of the Thematic Issue.


Workshop 21:  International Union of Geological Sciences Manual of Standard Methods for Establishing the Global Geochemical Reference Network


IGC web page:


Dates:  Lectures on the 30 and 31 August 2024, and field training course on the 1 September 2024


Sponsor:  The three-day workshop is co-sponsored by the:

      International Union of Geological Sciences  

                                                               and the

   Association of Applied Geochemists


Hence, NO registration fees are required.  We, therefore, urge you to take advantage of their generosity.


The IUGS Executive Committee fully supports harmonised geochemical mapping (refer to Foreword signed by three IUGS Presidents on pages v to vii of the Manual of Standard Methods).  Similarly, the AAG Council supports harmonised geochemical mapping.


The Commission on Global Geochemical Baselines (CGGB) of the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) is organising a two-day workshop on the methods described in the “International Union of Geological Sciences Manual of Standard Methods for Establishing the Global Geochemical Reference Network” (  This is one of a series of workshops given by the Commission to promote the harmonised mapping of the geochemistry of the Earth’s surface at the global scale, and to develop internally consistent databases for rock, residual soil, stream water, stream sediment, overbank and floodplain sediments. Previous workshops have been held in Canada, China, Hellenic Republic, Iran, Tanzania and South Africa.

        The workshop will include two days of lectures where the attendees will be given an overview of the methods, tools, and techniques used in global to regional geochemical baseline mapping with hands-on-exercises.  All training materials will be provided on a memory stick. The third day will be a field excursion where the sampling methods used in global- and regional-scale geochemical mapping will be demonstrated.

The following topics will be covered: 

  • ·    Sampling design

  • Field sampling methods
  • Sample preparation and chemical analysis
  • Quality control methods
  • Data processing
  • Levelling of data
  • Map generation
  • Interpretation of geochemical patterns
  • Management of global-scale geochemical projects

        The instructors for the workshop are Alecos Demetriades, Maria João Batista, Ariadne Argyraki, Paula Adánez Sanjuan, Iván Martín Méndez, Youngsook Huh and Jong-Sik Ryu.  They are members of the IUGS Commission on Global Geochemical Baselines and have considerable experience in the planning, execution, and management of global- and regional-scale geochemical mapping projects and in the publication of products resulting from these studies. Youngsook Huh and Jong-Sik Ryu are experienced South Korean applied geochemists who will be organising the field training course in collaboration with Alecos Demetriades and Maria João Batista.



2024: Geochemical mapping at all scales: evidence from soil, sediment, water and plants

Organised on the occasion of the Joint Conference ISEH-ICEPH-ISEG ON ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH, Galway, Ireland (11-18 August 2024)

 ISEH-ICPH-ISEG conference website:

Conveners:  Philippe Négrel, (BRGM – French Geological Survey), and Alecos Demetriades (IUGS Commission on Global Geochemical Baselines; Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration (IGME), Hellas (retired)).

Session co-sponsored by the IUGS Commission on Global Geochemical Baselines, the EuroGeoSurveys Geochemistry Expert Group, and the International Association of GeoChemistry (IAGC).

Geochemical mapping is an established method for studying the spatial distribution of chemical elements in different media, e.g., rock, soil, water, sediment, and plants, and to document changes in their chemical composition occurring in different compartments of the ecosystem. Depending on the target and question to be answered, the resulting geochemical data can be used in mineral exploration, environmental, medical, and forensic sciences, agriculture, forestry, land use planning, etc.

The aim of the session is to present the status of geochemical mapping in the XXI century with the rapid development of novel methods, and unavoidable presence in the digital world with focus on continental, regional and local (e.g., catchment or urban environment) scale geochemical mapping data sets, using various sampling media, like soil, sediment, water, plants, etc.

The presenters will be asked to submit their papers for publication in a Thematic Issue of the journal "Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis" of the Association of Applied Geochemists.   

DEADLINE FOR ABSTRACT SUBMISSION EXTENDED TO15th of March 2024.  You will find the instructions for abstract submission at:




For other conferences, please consult the web pages of the following organisations: 


Association of Applied Geochemists 

International Association of GeoChemistry  

European Association of Geochemistry

Society of Environmental Geochemistry and Health

International Medical Geology Association




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