News 2024 IUGS CGGB conferences & webinars

2024 IUGS CGGB conferences & webinars

As the World is still suffering from the Covid-19 pandemic only a few conferences will be posted on this web-page.

All members of the IUGS Commission will be informed by E-mail about pending conferences during 2023.

Information about a few conferences will be posted on the Conferences web-page.


For further information consult the Conferences/Webinars web page.


2024:  4th Arthur Darnley Symposium & Workshop

The IUGS Commission on ‘Global Geochemical Baselines’ is organising the 4th Arthur Darnley Symposium with the title ‘Challenges and Opportunities of Global-Scale Geochemical Mapping’ at the 37th International Geological Congress, which will be held in Busan (Korea) between the 25th and 31st of August 2024 [].  Further, a free three-day workshop is planned (30 & 31 August, and 1 September 2024).  More details are posted on the Conferences/Webinars web page.


2024:  Geochemical mapping at all scales: evidence from soil, sediment, water and plants

Geochemical mapping is an established method for studying the spatial distribution of chemical elements in different media, e.g., rock, soil, water, sediment, and plants, and to document changes in their chemical composition occurring in different compartments of the ecosystem. Depending on the target and question to be answered, the resulting geochemical data can be used in mineral exploration, environmental, medical, and forensic sciences, agriculture, forestry, land use planning, etc.  Session organised on the occasion of the ISEH-ICPH-ISEG conference in Galway, Ireland, 11-18 August 2024 [].  More details are posted on the Conferences/Webinars web page.